Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I've been tagged by Riot Kitty.

The rules are many but I will only follow one, because I instinctively feel that someone is making a profit by killing hapless electrons by creating a blog pyramid scheme/chain letter.

The rule that I will follow:
3. Write six random things about yourself.

1: I have cabbage radar.

2: I nearly lost a fight with a bad tempered sea bass.

3: I have a very serious and life threatening allergy to mauve.

4: I know that I will never invent a time machine because if I did, I would send plans, blueprints, and antique clocks back in time to myself when I was in second grade.

5: My middle toe is longer than my epiglottis.

6: Whenever I count past the number 41, there is a mudslide in South America.


Mr. Riot Kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Riot Kitty said...

The comment was deleted because I logged in as you... as you say, Shit!

Now I know how to get you to blog more often ;)

I predict your next blog meme title will be, "Fuck!"

Darth Weasel said...

about #3...how were you able to defeat him? I keep getting stuck on that level

listen for azure said...

Wow - noy only do we have a birthday in common, but an allergy to an ungodly and completely wrong color. Even the name is enough to make you sick....

Word Geek said...

What's wrong with mauve?

Goose said...

Epiglottis? I love it. And feel smart that I know what it is!!!